Development across a lifespan within parenting
Personal Experience
Growing up having an authoritative parent was such a blessing. I was able to express myself without being scolded or unheard. My mom listened to my issues and worked through them with me. And then there was my Authoritarian aunt who was agressive and abussive whom I was scared of to the point that i feared telling my mom i was being abused verbally when she wasnt around.
The Future
As I Embark on an enlightening journey to understand the complexities of life as a nurse understanding how a person was raised plays a huge role in how a person thinks. Within the nursing field patient care is top priority and learning you patients will give you so much insight on how to help them
- This type of parenting allows Open communiation with the child
- Has rules and regulations but with understanding
This type of parenting is very STRICT
My way or the highway relationship
Lacks communication and sympathy
The child does not have a say so
This parenting style is where the child is the parent
Allowed to do whatever he or she want with out consequence
Lacks structure
Neglect parenting is when the parent lacks involvment in the childs physical and emotional well-being.
Adolescent Development
The period between childhood and adulthood which includes physical andpsychological changes.Entering this stage of life can be a huge emotional rollercoaster aschildren grow into young adults.
As a young mom my adolescent years were filled with physical andpsychological changes. Growing up I developed at a young age fromstarting my cycle early to developing breast buds. Puberty for me started at age 13, having acne and also growing hair in unwanted places. As a young lady starting your cycle changes your mental and emotional health in a way where you have to learn how to process new emotions and pain. Also dealing with the physical changes like acne that your cycle cause can bring about a self esteem issue like no other.
As a nurse knowing about growth during adolescent years will help me to understand and person more especially a person with insecurities. Your adolescent years play a huge role in shaping you as an adult. Knowing a a patients story as a while they were younger will help me to navigate through their care as an adult. Being able to communicate and help deal with any insecurities while building trust in my care. Because so much happens in those years people carry that into their adult years with all types of decision making.
Behaviorism through social learning oPERANT CONDITIONING
There are 4 different types of reinforcment within operant conditioning Positive and Negative Reinforcment, and Positive and Negative Punishment. The Skinner theory is “behavior is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behavior reinforced and punishment”.
personal experience
As a child I hated doing chores and my mom knew that was the ultimate punishment for me. However doing chores in my house hold was used as a form of positive punishment when they weren’t done properly. For example if I half cleaned my room and wanted to spend time with friends my mom would add more chores, I would rush to do them so I could leave.
Positive reinforcmnent NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT
the future
In my career as a nurse operant conditioning can play a huge roll. Understanding the patient and their attitude especially when it come to different treatments and medicines. Using positive reinforcement with a patient who goes from and unhealthy situation to taking care of themselves would be a great place to add positive reinforcement to keep them in a good place with their health.
positive punishment NEGATIVE PUNISHMENT
Positive Reinforcment adds rewards to get a good response. For example rewards for good behavior
Negative reinforcment removes punishment to get a response, taking away something undesirable to get a good response. For example removing a chor
Positive punishment is adding something undesireable to remove undesirable behavior. For example addind chors
negative punishment
Negative punishment is removing something desirable to to get rid of unwanted behavior. For example punishment
An adolescents environment, family stress, education, physical activity, parent income, place of residence and much more developes a person into who they are.
As an adolescent my environment shaped me from the good and bad.
Depending on who I was around and what they poured into me .here were teachers that hated kids and teachers that loved kids and depending on
what teacher you had it affected your day which ultimately affected how you behaved.
The future
As a nurse environmental intelligence will tell you a lot about how a personwas raised, Why they think and act the way they do. It also can tell you how a person ended up in a situation and their mental capacity to get through it. I know in the field it is important to know how and why a patient acts communicates andprocesses things they way they do.
Vygotsky's Sociocultural theory of cognitive development
The theory
Pygotshys theory is basically learning and developing mentally with the help of a mentor or someone smarter than you. He believed that our mental development was based on our environment and the people we interacted with.
My experience
As a child I struggles with reading comprehension and I had to attend tutoring sessions on a regular. My mentor helped me to understand with picture visualization and processing imagery of what I was reading. I attended these sessions until I was able to read and pass my rest without help.Because my mentor was smart and confident in this area I trusted that I would be just as good in this subject.
The future
Becoming a nurse I will have a lot of learning to do especially when it comes to saving lives. Every teacher or mentor that comes my way will be a great help in helping me develope into the best nurse possible. For example going to a clinicals and watching an experienced nurse do different task so that you can eventually do them.
Pre-conventional is when a Childs accepts authority and understands that if what they do getsthem rewarded its good and if something they do leads to punishments then its obviously bad.
Law and Order
Good Boy Bad Girl Behavior
Conventional level is where a child understands what is good or bad based on what others aroundthem do and the consequences of those actions.
Post conventional is what is right due to it being moral or immoral universal
Social Contract
Frueds id ego and super ego
ID is your instincts or reflex
EGO is your reality
SUPEREGO is your morals
As an adolescent when my mom yelled at me on put me on punishment my Id would slam the door and talk under my breath. My ego would tell my mom how I felt in a nice way to get her to understand how I felt and why I felt I shouldn’t be on punishment . My superego would accept my punishment and tell my mom I would do better.
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In my career as a nurse knowing how to respond at a certain time and also how Im responded to will show how much Frueds theory will play a part. In the field of nursing I know that patients will be aggressive, sad, happy all of the above and offsetting the mood I will have to choose to respond in the most professional way possible.
Your sex is your physical and biological traits and gender is your internal identification of whatand who you think you are socially
As an adolescent I had a gay friend at the age 13 which was very confusing to because my friendacted like a girl, wore girl clothing, and also talked like a girl. At this age I didn’t understandwhy we acted just alike wore the same clothing, had the same mannerisms and also sameinterest. In middle school my friend was always made fun of because he was different becausehis sex was male and his gender was female in his social life.
As a nurse sex vs gender will play a key role in knowing who your patients are and what theyidentify as. In these times knowing someones gender and who they identify as is a very big dealespecially with all the binary and non-binary identity. Not knowing how a patient identifies canimpact the relationship you have with them but knowing their sex will help you to know how toproperly care for them. While knowing gender will help with communication and understanding.